显示 33–48 的 105 结果
The Finland traditional wound care market is positioned for steady growth, 预计将以复合年增长率扩张 (复合年增长率) 大约为 4.8% 在预测期内 2024 到 2029. Finland’s traditional wound care market is shaped by an aging population, with older individuals being more prone to chronic conditions and subsequent wound… 阅读更多
Projected growth in the Germany traditional wound care market includes an incremental increase of USD 30.1 百万, 复合年增长率 (复合年增长率) 近乎 2.4% 通过 2029. 在德国, the traditional wound care market is driven by the growing number of elderly individuals, as well as the rising incidence of chronic diseases, 颗粒… 阅读更多
美元增量增长 1.0 billion is forecasted for the global traditional wound care market, 复合年增长率可能约为 3.8% 之间 2024 和 2029. 全球范围, the traditional wound care market is driven by the need for affordable and accessible healthcare solutions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Rising awaren… 阅读更多
预计温和增长, the Honduras traditional wound care market is projected to achieve a CAGR of around 4.3% 整个 2024 到 2029 大体时间. Honduras sees a growing demand for traditional wound care products due to high rates of workplace injuries and chronic conditions requiring ongoing wound management. The affordability and availability of… 阅读更多
预计将适度发展, the Hong Kong traditional wound care market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of approximately 4% 期间 2024-2029 时期, 由持续的消费者需求驱动. Hong Kong’s traditional wound care market is supported by a strong healthcare infrastructure and widespread awareness of basic wound management. The aging population is… 阅读更多
预计将取得缓慢但稳定的进展, the Hungary traditional wound care market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 2.1% 期间 2024 到 2029 大体时间. Hungary’s traditional wound care market benefits from the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and a rising elderly demographic in need of wound care solutions. The afford… 阅读更多
The Ireland traditional wound care market is forecasted to experience incremental growth, 复合年增长率约为 2.8% 整个 2024-2029 时期, 表明市场环境稳定. Ireland’s traditional wound care market is driven by an aging population, which leads to increased demand for chronic wound management products. 此外, the country’s rising healthcare awareness and… 阅读更多
预计温和增长, the Israel traditional wound care market is projected to achieve a CAGR of around 8.9% 整个 2024 到 2029 大体时间. 在以色列, the traditional wound care market is primarily driven by an advanced healthcare system and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes. The rising elderly popula… 阅读更多