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En inkrementell tillväxt på USD 2.4 billion is forecasted for the Asia Pacific household insecticides market, which is likely to experience a CAGR of roughly 4.9% between 2024 och 2029. The Asia Pacific region’s household insecticides market is fueled by high population density and rising incidences of insect-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria. Increasing urbanization and disposable incomes are leading to greater consumer expenditure on home care products, including insecticides. Dessutom, a shift toward natural and herbal-based solutions reflects evolving consumer preferences.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Asia Pacific household insecticides market, presenterar viktiga data om historisk marknadsstorlek, tillväxtmönster, och framtida prognoser. Den ger en grundlig uppdelning av marknadssegment och undersegment, med fokus på nyckelvariabler som produkttyp, distribution channel and country. This comprehensive evaluation aids in identifying the growth potential within the household insecticides industry.
The Asia Pacific household insecticides market is classified into the following segments:
Produkttyp: aerosols and sprays, baits, bombs and foggers, coils, electric insecticides, moth proofers, andra
Distributionskanal: närbutiker, förgårdsbutiker, stormarknader och stormarknader, livsmedelsbutiker, automat, e-handel, matservicekanaler, andra
Land: Australien, Kina, Indien, Indonesien, Japan, Filippinerna, Sydkorea, Thailand, Vietnam, andra
The segmentation of the Asia Pacific household insecticides market product type, distribution channel and country. Efter produkttyp, it includes aerosols and sprays, baits, bombs and foggers, coils, electric insecticides, moth proofers, med flera. Distributionskanalsegmenteringen inkluderar närbutiker, förgårdsbutiker, stormarknader och stormarknader, livsmedelsbutiker, automat, e-handel, matservicekanaler, med flera. Geografiskt, the market includes Australia, Kina, Indien, Indonesien, Japan, Filippinerna, Sydkorea, Thailand, Vietnam and others.
Key players in the household insecticides market consist of Zhongshan Lanju Daily Use Products Co. Ltd., Zhejiang Heimaoshen Group Co. Ltd., S.T. FÖRETAG, S. C. Johnson & Son Inc., Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (RB), PT. Unitama Sari Mas, Nice Group (AGV Products Corporation), Mosfly International Sdn. Bhd., Jyothy Labs Ltd., Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Hebei Kangda Co. Ltd., Guangzhou Haodi Group Co. Ltd., Godrej Group, Fumakilla Limited, Earth Corporation, Dainihon Jochugiku Co. Ltd., Chengdu Rainbow Group, Cheerwin Group Co. Ltd., Bagus Group Indonesia and ACI Limited.
This analysis offers a comprehensive overview of the main players in the household insecticides market, utvärdera sina prestationstrender från 2019 till 2023. Viktiga resultat illustrerar förändringar i marknadsandelar, identifiera både dominerande företag och växande konkurrenter.
Obtain precise statistical data and forecasts for the Asia Pacific household insecticides market.
Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Asia Pacific household insecticides market: produkttyp, distribution channel and country.
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Gain deep insights into the dynamics of the Asia Pacific household insecticides market.
Identifiera investeringsmöjligheter med hög potential genom att rikta in sig på tillväxtsektorer och framväxande trender.
Anticipate the future trajectory of the Asia Pacific household insecticides market with informed projections.
Bedöm det konkurrensutsatta landskapet för att bestämma den perfekta timingen för att dra nytta av marknadsmöjligheter.
En enda obegränsad användarlicens inom samma organisation, utan extra avgifter för extra användare.
Rapportens omfattning
Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market – Produkttypsanalys
Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market – Distributionskanalanalys
Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market – Country Analysis
Nyckelspelare och marknadsandelar
– Zhongshan Lanju Daily Use Products Co., Ltd.
– Zhejiang Heimaoshen Group Co., Ltd.
– S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
– Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (RB)
– PT. Unitama Sari Mas
– Nice Group (AGV Products Corporation)
– Mosfly International Sdn. Bhd.
– Jyothy Labs Ltd.
Makroekonomiska data och prognos
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market, Nettotillväxt, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market, Tillväxthastigheter, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Product Type, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Distribution Channel, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Country, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Country, CAGR historisk och prognos, 2019-2029
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market by Country, 2019-2029
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market Share (%), av företag, 2019-2023
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market, av företag, 2023
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market Share (%), av Brands, 2019-2023
Chart Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market, av Brands, 2023
Tabell Asien och Stillahavsområdet – Befolkning (Miljoner) och Prognos
Tabell Asien och Stillahavsområdet – Konsumentprisindex (KPI) och Prognos
Tabell Asien och Stillahavsområdet – Bruttonationalprodukt och prognos
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market: Utgifter som en andel av BNP (%)
Table Asia Pacific Household Insecticides Market: Förbrukning per capita (Befolkning)
Zhongshan Lanju Daily Use Products Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Heimaoshen Group Co., Ltd.
S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (RB)
PT. Unitama Sari Mas
Nice Group (AGV Products Corporation)
Mosfly International Sdn. Bhd.
Jyothy Labs Ltd.
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Hebei Kangda Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Haodi Group Co., Ltd.
Godrej Group
Fumakilla Limited
Earth Corporation
Dainihon Jochugiku Co., Ltd.
Chengdu Rainbow Group
Cheerwin Group Co., Ltd.
Bagus Group Indonesia
ACI Limited
Produkttyp | Industristatistik |
Område | Asien och Stillahavsområdet |
Publiceringsdatum | 2024 |
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