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The outlook for the Greece RTD tea market indicates a modest growth of USD 27.8 miljon, med en förväntad sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ungefär 3.3% under de kommande fem åren. In Greece, the RTD tea market is expanding as consumers shift towards healthier beverage options. Growing awareness of the health benefits of tea,… Läs mer
The Guatemala RTD tea market is anticipated to witness significant growth, med en förväntad uppgång på USD 43.0 miljon, motsvarande en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ca 7.8% under de kommande åren. In Guatemala, the RTD tea market is experiencing growth due to a shift toward healthier drink options. Consumers are increasingly becomi… Läs mer
The market for RTD tea is set for moderate growth, med prognoser som tyder på en ökning med USD 21.6 miljoner och en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) närmar sig 9.4% under prognosperioden. I Honduras, the RTD tea market is emerging as consumers become more health-conscious. As awareness of the negative health effects of sugary soft… Läs mer
Förväntas växa stadigt, the Hong Kong RTD tea market is expected to rise from USD 977.9 miljoner in 2023 till USD 1,387.2 miljoner av 2029, med en CAGR på 6% under hela prognosperioden. I Hong Kong, the RTD tea market is expanding as consumers embrace healthier beverage options. The demand for functional bevera… Läs mer
The Hungary RTD tea market is anticipated to witness significant growth, med en förväntad uppgång på USD 116.6 miljon, motsvarande en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ca 6.6% under de kommande åren. I Ungern, the RTD tea market is growing as more consumers opt for healthier beverage choices. As awareness of the negati… Läs mer
The India RTD tea market is expected to experience robust growth, med en förväntad ökning på USD 27.0 miljoner och en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ungefär 7.8% under hela prognosperioden. In India, the RTD tea market is rapidly expanding due to a shift in consumer preferences toward healthier and more convenient bevera… Läs mer
Projected incremental growth in the Indonesia RTD tea market is set at USD 0.8 miljard, återspeglar en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av nästan 3.7% över prognosperioden från 2024 till 2029. I Indonesien, the RTD tea market is growing, driven by the increasing demand for refreshing and healthier beverage options. As consumers become… Läs mer
Projected to witness steady expansion, the Iraq RTD tea market is expected to achieve a CAGR of around 7% från 2024 till 2029, reflecting positive market conditions. I Irak, the RTD tea market is emerging, driven by an increasing demand for healthier beverage options. The growing awareness of the health benefits of tea, particularly its… Läs mer
The Ireland RTD tea market is set for modest growth, beräknas expandera med en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ungefär 2.8% över prognosperioden från 2024 till 2029. I Irland, the RTD tea market is growing as health-conscious consumers seek natural, funktionella drycker. As awareness of the health benefits of tea rises,… Läs mer
The Israel RTD tea market is poised for gradual growth, med en förväntad stegvis ökning på USD 8.3 miljon, återspeglar en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av nästan 0.9% från 2024 till 2029. I Israel, FoTU-temarknaden expanderar, driven by a growing interest in health and wellness. Israeli consumers are increasingly turnin… Läs mer
Förväntas uppleva blygsam expansion, the Italy RTD tea market size is forecasted to increase from USD 1,688.8 miljoner in 2023 till USD 1,935.7 miljoner av 2029, uppnå en CAGR på 2.3% under utvärderingsperioden. I Italien, the RTD tea market is gaining traction as consumers focus more on health and wellness. Uppgången… Läs mer
Anticipated growth in the Japan RTD tea market stands at USD 3.3 miljard, med en förväntad sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ungefär 3% under perioden som sträcker sig 2024 till 2029. Japan has long been a leader in the RTD tea market, with the category continuing to grow as consumers seek more health-conscious beverage option… Läs mer
The Jordan RTD tea market is positioned for steady growth, förväntas expandera med en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ungefär 6.5% under prognosperioden fr.o.m 2024 till 2029. I Jordanien, the RTD tea market is benefiting from a rising focus on health-conscious consumption. As awareness of the health benefits of tea grows,… Läs mer
Förväntas en betydande tillväxt, the Kazakhstan RTD tea market is anticipated to move from USD 1,100.7 miljoner in 2023 till USD 1,679.8 miljoner av 2029, motsvarande en CAGR på 7.3%. I Kazakstan, the RTD tea market is expanding as consumers become more health-conscious and seek out alternatives to sugary soft drinks. Green tea… Läs mer
Anticipated to achieve slow but steady progress, the Kuwait RTD tea market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 3.9% under 2024 till 2029 tidsram. I Kuwait, FoTU-temarknaden expanderar, fueled by a shift toward healthier, lågkaloridrycker. Kuwaiti consumers are increasingly aware of the health benefits of tea,… Läs mer
The Laos RTD tea market is anticipated to witness significant growth, med en förväntad uppgång på USD 111.8 miljon, motsvarande en sammansatt årlig tillväxttakt (CAGR) av ca 7.9% under de kommande åren. I Laos, the RTD tea market is growing as consumers increasingly look for refreshing and healthier beverage options. The demand for… Läs mer