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Showing 49–64 de 80 resultados
The pet healthcare market in Nigeria, em termos de receita, espera-se que cresça 16 por cento anualmente através 2029, de acordo com os últimos resultados do estudo de mercado. The Nigeria pet healthcare market is expanding, driven by increasing urbanization and a growing pet population. Rising awareness of pet health and wellness is boosting demand for Leia mais
The pet healthcare in North America market is expected to increase by USD 4.7 bilhão, a uma taxa composta de crescimento anual (CAGR) de 8.1% de 2024 para 2029, according to the latest edition of the Pet Healthcare Market in North America Report. The North America pet healthcare market is expanding, fueled by a surge in Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in North Macedonia, em termos de receita, deverá progredir em um CAGR de 6.1% durante o período de previsão, 2024-2029. The North Macedonia pet healthcare market is advancing, driven by a growing pet population and increased consumer awareness of pet wellness. Rising disposable incomes are fueling higher expenditures on veterinary Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Norway, em termos de receita, deverá progredir em um CAGR de 2.4% durante o período de previsão, 2024-2029. The Norway pet healthcare market is growing steadily, impulsionado por altas taxas de propriedade de animais de estimação e uma ênfase crescente nos cuidados preventivos. A forte mudança cultural para a humanização para animais de estimação está liderando Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Pakistan is predicted to be growing at a CAGR of over 9.2% de 2024 para 2029. The Pakistan pet healthcare market is expanding, fueled by a significant rise in pet ownership and growing awareness of animal health. Increasing disposable incomes are leading to higher investments in advanced veterinary care Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Paraguay, em termos de receita, deverá progredir em um CAGR de 7.5% durante o período de previsão, 2024-2029. The Paraguay pet healthcare market is rapidly growing, propelled by a surge in pet ownership and the increasing humanization of pets. Rising disposable incomes are enabling consumers to invest more Leia mais
De acordo com os dados mais recentes, the market size of the pet healthcare industry in Peru is expected to rise by USD 29.3 milhões com um CAGR de 9.1% até o final de 2029. The Peru pet healthcare market is expanding swiftly, driven by a growing middle class and rising pet ownership across urban and semi-urban Leia mais
De acordo com as últimas pesquisas, the pet healthcare market in Philippines is poised to grow by USD 21.6 milhões durante 2024-2029, progredindo em um CAGR de 9.6% durante o período de previsão. The Philippines pet healthcare market is rapidly growing, propelled by a surge in pet ownership and the increasing humanization of pets. Aumento da renda disponível Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Poland is likely to register a CAGR of over 7% com um crescimento incremental de USD 65.0 milhões durante o período de previsão 2024-2029. The Poland pet healthcare market is growing, impulsionado pelo aumento da posse de animais de estimação e pela maior conscientização sobre a saúde dos animais de estimação. Higher disposable incomes are leading to greater spending on Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Portugal is likely to register a CAGR of over 5.8% com um crescimento incremental de USD 21.1 milhões durante o período de previsão 2024-2029. The Portugal pet healthcare market is experiencing robust growth, driven by a strong culture of pet ownership and the increasing humanization of pets. Rising consumer demand for Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Romania is projected to rise by USD 30.7 milhão por 2029, de acordo com os últimos resultados do estudo de mercado. Prevê-se a expansão em um CAGR de 5.4 por cento durante o período de previsão. The Romania pet healthcare market is expanding, driven by a growing pet population and increasing awareness of Leia mais
The pet healthcare in Russia market is expected to increase by USD 226.3 milhão, a uma taxa composta de crescimento anual (CAGR) de 7.5% de 2024 para 2029, according to the latest edition of the Pet Healthcare Market in Russia Report. The Russia pet healthcare market is experiencing growth, driven by rising pet ownership and increasing Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Saudi Arabia is estimated to increase at the rate of 8.8% anualmente no período de 2024 para 2029. The Saudi Arabia pet healthcare market is experiencing steady growth, driven by high pet ownership rates and a strong focus on preventive care. The trend toward pet humanization is leading Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Serbia is estimated to increase at the rate of 8% anualmente no período de 2024 para 2029. The Serbia pet healthcare market is expanding, propelled by a growing pet population and heightened consumer focus on pet wellness. Rising disposable incomes are driving increased spending on advanced veterinary Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Singapore, em termos de receita, espera-se que cresça 2.7 por cento anualmente através 2029, de acordo com os últimos resultados do estudo de mercado. The Singapore pet healthcare market is growing rapidly, fueled by a rising trend of pet humanization and increasing disposable income among pet owners. The demand for premium Leia mais
The pet healthcare market in Slovakia, em termos de receita, deverá progredir em um CAGR de 5.1% durante o período de previsão, 2024-2029. The Slovakia pet healthcare market is experiencing robust growth, driven by a strong culture of pet ownership and the increasing humanization of pets. Rising consumer demand for advanced veterinary care, Leia mais