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1개 표시–16 ~의 105 결과
The Algeria ice cream market is poised for moderate growth, USD 대비 증가 예상 1,448.9 백만 단위 2023 USD로 2,403.3 백만 단위로 2029, CAGR 달성 8.8% 예측 기간 동안. Algeria’s ice cream market is expanding as disposable incomes rise, particularly among urban consumers. A preference for traditional flavors persists, but… 자세히 알아보기
우호적인 시장 상황에 힘입어, the Argentina ice cream sector is anticipated to see a significant rise of USD 96.1 10억, 거의 cagr을 표시합니다 31.4% 예측 창 중. Argentina’s ice cream market is characterized by a strong tradition of artisanal production, with consumers favoring high-quality ingredients and rich flavors. There is a… 자세히 알아보기
점차 성장할 것으로 예상, the Austria ice cream market size is set to rise from USD 884.2 백만 단위 2023 USD로 1,080.6 백만 단위로 2029, CAGR 달성 3.4% 예측 기간 내내. Austria’s ice cream market is supported by a strong tradition of artisanal ice cream, with consumers favoring high-quality, locally source… 자세히 알아보기
The Azerbaijan ice cream market is anticipated to witness significant growth, USD 상승 예상 169.8 백만, 복합 연간 성장률과 동일 (CAGR) 약 7.9% 앞으로 몇 년 안에. 아제르바이잔에서, the ice cream market is expanding as urbanization drives increased exposure to Western-style desserts. A rising middle class with… 자세히 알아보기
The Belarus ice cream market is poised for steady growth, USD 인상 예상 128.4 백만, 복합 연간 성장률을 반영 (CAGR) 대략 7.3% ~에서 2024 에게 2029. Belarus’s ice cream market is expanding due to rising disposable incomes and a strong preference for locally produced foods. Traditional flavors remain popula… 자세히 알아보기
Anticipated growth in the Belgium ice cream market stands at USD 106.4 백만, 예상되는 복합 연간 성장률 (CAGR) 대략 2.7% 해당 기간 동안 2024 에게 2029. Belgium’s ice cream market benefits from a culture that values high-quality dairy products, leading to a preference for premium and artisanal ice creams. 소비… 자세히 알아보기
The Bosnia and Herzegovina ice cream market is expected to see a slight increase of USD 19.1 백만, 복합연간성장률로 환산하면 (CAGR) 약 4.5% ~에서 2024 에게 2029. 보스니아와 헤르체고비나에서, the ice cream market is driven by a rising middle class and increased consumer spending on indulgent foods…. 자세히 알아보기
Projections for the Bulgaria ice cream market suggest a promising growth trajectory, USD의 상승이 예상됩니다 47.7 백만 및 복합 연간 성장률 (CAGR) 근접 5.3% 향후 5년 동안. Bulgaria’s ice cream market is buoyed by economic growth and increased spending on high-quality food products. A preference for artisanal and… 자세히 알아보기
The Cambodia ice cream market is positioned for steady growth, 복합 연간 성장률로 확장 될 것으로 예상됩니다 (CAGR) 대략 7.2% 예측 기간 동안 2024 에게 2029. In Cambodia, the ice cream market is experiencing growth as a young and urbanizing population drives demand for Western-style desserts. The influence of intern… 자세히 알아보기
Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Cameroon ice cream market, USD 인상 예상 38.3 백만 및 복합 연간 성장률 (CAGR) 가까운 6.9% ~을 통해 2029. Cameroon’s ice cream market is driven by a combination of economic growth and a warm climate that supports high year-round consumption. Traditional flavor… 자세히 알아보기