1 件を表示中–16 の 109 結果
The Asia Pacific laundry appliances market is on track for a substantial increase of USD 24.7 十億, 複合年間成長率を示す (CAGR) おおよその 7% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. Asia Pacific’s home laundry appliances market is being driven by rapid urbanization, 可処分所得の増加, and a shift toward more… 続きを読む
緩やかな拡大が見込まれる, the Australia laundry appliances market size is forecasted to increase from USD 1,395.7 百万で 2023 米ドルへ 1,755.8 百万までに 2029, のCAGRを達成 3.9% 評価期間中. In Australia, the home laundry appliances market is shaped by a strong preference for high-quality, energy-efficient products. 消費者はそうです… 続きを読む
The Austria laundry appliances market is expected to realize a modest increase of USD 96.5 百万, 約のCAGRを実証 3.8% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. Austria’s home laundry appliances market is being driven by a focus on sustainability, with consumers opting for energy-efficient models to reduce their environmental impact. Additi… 続きを読む
The Azerbaijan laundry appliances sector is poised for a dynamic growth phase, 米ドルの上昇を予想 15.5 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 7.4% から 2024 に 2029. アゼルバイジャンでは, the home laundry appliances market is being propelled by urbanization and a growing middle class. As more consumers in urban… 続きを読む
Anticipated growth in the Bahrain laundry appliances market stands at USD 0.8 百万, 予想される年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 1.4% 期間中に 2024 に 2029. Bahrain’s home laundry appliances market is driven by increasing urbanization and rising disposable incomes. As consumer lifestyles become more modern, there is a growin… 続きを読む
The Bangladesh laundry appliances market is poised for rapid expansion, 米ドルの増加が予想される 190.0 百万, 堅調な複合年間成長率を反映 (CAGR) の 10.3% からの予測期間にわたって 2024 に 2029. バングラデシュでは, the home laundry appliances market is experiencing growth as disposable incomes rise and urbanization accelerates. As more… 続きを読む
からの予測期間 2024 に 2029 suggests that the Belarus laundry appliances market will see a slight growth trajectory, 米ドルの増加が予想される 23.8 million and a CAGR of around 4.9%. The home laundry appliances market in Belarus is expanding as urbanization increases and disposable incomes rise. Consumers are becoming more intere… 続きを読む
米ドルの漸進的な成長 17.3 million is forecasted for the Belgium laundry appliances market, おおよその CAGR が発生する可能性があります。 0.8% 間 2024 そして 2029. ベルギーで, the home laundry appliances market is expanding as demand for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly products grows. The rising trend towards home automation is also… 続きを読む
Projections for the Bolivia laundry appliances market suggest a promising growth trajectory, 米ドルの上昇が予想される 29.5 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) 近づいている 6.8% 今後5年間にわたって. Bolivia’s home laundry appliances market is in a growth phase as the urban middle class expands and consumers seek modern applia… 続きを読む
Projected growth in the Bosnia and Herzegovina laundry appliances market includes an incremental increase of USD 1.0 百万, 年間複利成長率 (CAGR) ほぼ 2.7% を通して 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the home laundry appliances market is gaining momentum due to increasing urbanization and the rise of a middle-class population. 利用可能… 続きを読む
The Brazil laundry appliances market is expected to experience robust growth, 米ドルの増加が予想される 0.9 10億ドル以上の年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 5.5% 予測期間全体を通じて. Brazil’s home laundry appliances market is expanding due to rising disposable incomes and increasing urbanization. More households are investing in washing machin… 続きを読む
The Bulgaria laundry appliances market is expected to realize a modest increase of USD 36.0 百万, 約のCAGRを実証 3.3% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. Bulgaria’s home laundry appliances market is growing as the economy improves, leading to a rise in disposable income and increased demand for modern home applia… 続きを読む
Anticipated trends indicate that the Cambodia laundry appliances market will achieve incremental growth of USD 31.6 百万, 年間複利成長率に換算すると (CAGR) 周りの 7.8% の予測期間中に 2024 に 2029. The home laundry appliances market in Cambodia is driven by the expansion of urban areas and an increasing middle… 続きを読む