1 件を表示中–16 の 109 結果
Anticipated trends indicate that the Asia Pacific condiments and sauces market will achieve incremental growth of USD 30.1 十億, 年間複利成長率に換算すると (CAGR) 周りの 5.4% の予測期間中に 2024 に 2029. アジア太平洋地域, the condiments and sauces market is growing due to the region’s deep-rooted culinary tradit… 続きを読む
米ドルの段階的な成長 0.5 オーストラリアの調味料とソース市場では10億が予想されます, 約 の CAGR で拡大します 3.3% 予測期間にわたって 2024 に 2029. Australia’s condiments and sauces market is largely driven by the increasing demand for healthier, natural products. Consumers are leaning towards clean-label condiments, と… 続きを読む
The Austria condiments and sauces market is likely to exhibit mild growth, 米ドルからの増加が予想される 1,120.9 百万で 2023 米ドルへ 1,418.3 百万までに 2029, CAGR に相当する 4% その間 2024 に 2029 時間枠. Austria’s condiments and sauces market is characterized by a strong preference for both traditional Europe… 続きを読む
The Azerbaijan condiments and sauces market is on track for a substantial increase of USD 273.7 百万, 複合年間成長率を示す (CAGR) おおよその 9.3% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. アゼルバイジャンでは, the growing adoption of Western and Asian cuisines is influencing condiment consumption patterns, with sauces like mayonnaise, ketchu… 続きを読む
Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Bahrain condiments and sauces market, 米ドルの増加が予想される 37.1 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) に近い 6.8% を通して 2029. Bahrain’s condiments and sauces market is driven by the country’s growing exposure to international cuisines, with products like ketchup, マヨネーズ, and hot… 続きを読む
The Belarus condiments and sauces sector is poised for a dynamic growth phase, 米ドルの上昇を予想 137.1 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 7.2% から 2024 に 2029. ベラルーシで, the condiments and sauces market is primarily driven by the increasing penetration of international food brands and fast food… 続きを読む
徐々に成長していくことが予想される, the Belgium condiments and sauces market size is set to rise from USD 1,013.6 百万で 2023 米ドルへ 1,101.8 百万までに 2029, のCAGRを達成 1.4% 予測期間全体を通じて. Belgium’s condiments and sauces market is influenced by its rich culinary tradition, with products like mayonnaise, マスタード, and steak… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina condiments and sauces market is poised for steady growth, 米ドルの増加が予想される 45.6 百万, 年間複合成長率を反映 (CAGR) およそ 5.5% から 2024 に 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the condiments and sauces market is seeing growth due to the increasing demand for convenience and… 続きを読む
The Brazil condiments and sauces sector is poised for a dynamic growth phase, 米ドルの上昇を予想 4.4 10億ドル以上の年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 8.4% から 2024 に 2029. Brazil’s condiments and sauces market is primarily influenced by the country’s strong culinary traditions, where sauces such as vinaigrette, hot sauces… 続きを読む
米ドルの漸進的な成長 20.9 million is forecasted for the Bulgaria condiments and sauces market, おおよその CAGR が発生する可能性があります。 2% 間 2024 そして 2029. Bulgaria’s condiments and sauces market is driven by a strong preference for traditional local condiments, such as yogurt-based sauces and spicy spreads. しかし, the market… 続きを読む
The Cambodia condiments and sauces market is anticipated to witness significant growth, 米ドルの上昇が予想される 62.9 百万, 年間複合成長率に相当 (CAGR) 約の 5.6% 今後数年間で. Cambodia’s condiment market is seeing growth driven by the rising popularity of international fast-food chains, which are familiarizing local consum… 続きを読む