Showing 33–48 の 67 結果
最新の研究によると, the hair care products market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is poised to grow by USD 18.6 百万の間 2024-2029, CAGR で進歩 5.5% 予測期間中. The Bosnia and Herzegovina hair care products market is experiencing notable growth, driven by increasing consumer awareness of personal grooming and 続きを読む
A modest growth trajectory is forecasted for the Bosnia and Herzegovina hot drinks market, 米ドルの増加が予想される 53.4 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) おおよその 3% から 2024 を通して 2029. The hot drinks market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is characterized by a cultural affinity for coffee, especially traditional Bosnia… 続きを読む
Expected to experience slow growth, the Bosnia and Herzegovina household cooking appliances market is on track to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) おおよその 2.9% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the market for household cooking appliances is bolstered by urban migration and rising living standards. 消費… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina household insecticides market is forecasted to experience incremental growth, with a CAGR of around 1.9% 全体を通して 2024-2029 期間, indicating a stable market environment. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, a warm summer climate and the desire to maintain hygienic living conditions boost demand for household insecticides. Urbanization and higher disposable incomes are… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina ice cream market is expected to see a slight increase of USD 19.1 百万, 年間複利成長率に換算すると (CAGR) 約の 4.5% から 2024 に 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the ice cream market is driven by a rising middle class and increased consumer spending on indulgent foods…. 続きを読む
Projected growth in the Bosnia and Herzegovina laundry appliances market includes an incremental increase of USD 1.0 百万, 年間複利成長率 (CAGR) ほぼ 2.7% を通して 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the home laundry appliances market is gaining momentum due to increasing urbanization and the rise of a middle-class population. 利用可能… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina laundry care market is poised for gradual growth, 米ドルの段階的な増加が予想される 13.3 百万, 年間複合成長率を反映 (CAGR) ほぼ 3% から 2024 に 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the laundry care market is shaped by urbanization and rising disposable incomes. Consumers are gradually transi… 続きを読む
Insights reveal that the Bosnia and Herzegovina men’s grooming products market is set for a healthy expansion, 米ドルの成長が予想される 12.5 百万, 年間複合成長率に相当 (CAGR) ほぼ 5.5% から 2024 に 2029. The men’s grooming market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is gaining traction, primarily due to the… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina menstrual hygiene products market is likely to see gradual development, with a projected CAGR of about 3.1% から 2024 に 2029, reflecting steady consumer demand. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the menstrual hygiene products market is seeing growth thanks to improved access to sanitary products and greater awareness surrounding menstrual health. として… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina microwave ovens market is positioned for steady growth, 年間複合成長率で拡大すると予想される (CAGR) およそ 4.2% からの予測期間中 2024 に 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the microwave ovens market is expanding as consumer lifestyles shift towards more time-efficient cooking methods. Urbanization, coupled with… 続きを読む
最新の研究によると, the milk market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is poised to grow by USD 52.5 百万の間 2024-2029, CAGR で進歩 4% 予測期間中. The Bosnia and Herzegovina milk market is driven by a strong demand for premium and imported dairy products, reflecting the country’s affluent consumer 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina noodles market is poised for robust growth, 年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 5.4% ~から続く予測期間中 2024 に 2029. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s noodles market is supported by a growing demand for convenient and affordable foods. Instant noodles are especially popular among younger consum… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina oral care market is forecasted to experience incremental growth, with a CAGR of around 3.8% 全体を通して 2024-2029 期間, indicating a stable market environment. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s market is shaped by improving living standards and rising consumer awareness of oral hygiene. The growing penetration of modern retail and increasing availability of… 続きを読む
Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Bosnia and Herzegovina perfume market, 米ドルの増加が予想される 12.9 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) に近い 5.7% を通して 2029. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the perfume market is experiencing gradual growth, driven by increasing disposable incomes and rising urbanization. As consumers become… 続きを読む
The Bosnia and Herzegovina personal care appliances market is set to experience a healthy expansion, CAGR は約 4.6% から 2024 に 2029, 良好な市場環境を反映. ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナでは, the market is driven by a youthful population eager to adopt modern beauty practices. The growing influence of social… 続きを読む
最新の研究によると, the pet food market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is poised to grow by USD 19.2 百万の間 2024-2029, CAGR で進歩 8.4% 予測期間中. The Bosnia and Herzegovina pet food market is driven by a significant rise in pet ownership, particularly among younger demographics in urban 続きを読む