17 件を表示中–32 の 105 結果
A modest growth trajectory is forecasted for the Canada traditional wound care market, 米ドルの増加が予想される 8.1 100万人と年間複利成長率 (CAGR) おおよその 1.4% から 2024 を通して 2029. カナダで, the demand for traditional wound care products is driven by an aging population and increasing prevalence of chroni… 続きを読む
ゆっくりだが着実な進歩を達成することが期待されています, the Chile traditional wound care market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 2.4% その間 2024 に 2029 時間枠. Chile’s traditional wound care market is driven by an aging population and increasing prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, which often necessitate wound care manage… 続きを読む
Anticipated growth in the China traditional wound care market stands at USD 46.9 百万, 予想される年間複利成長率 (CAGR) およそ 3.3% 期間中に 2024 に 2029. China’s traditional wound care market is driven by a large aging population and an increasing prevalence of chronic wounds and injuries. The demand… 続きを読む
The Colombia traditional wound care market is likely to see gradual development, 約のCAGRが予測されています 3.8% から 2024 に 2029, 安定した消費者の需要を反映しています. Colombia’s traditional wound care market is supported by an aging population, rising rates of chronic conditions, and an expanding healthcare infrastructure. Traditional wound care products like gauze and… 続きを読む
中程度の開発を受けると予想されます, the Costa Rica traditional wound care market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of approximately 6% その間 2024-2029 期間, 一貫した消費者の需要によって駆動されます. Costa Rica’s traditional wound care market benefits from a combination of an aging population and increasing awareness of first-aid practices. The availability of afford… 続きを読む
中程度の開発を受けると予想されます, the Cote d’Ivoire traditional wound care market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of approximately 7% その間 2024-2029 期間, 一貫した消費者の需要によって駆動されます. Cote d’Ivoire’s market for traditional wound care is driven by the country’s high rural population and a growing focus on healthcare accessibility. The demand… 続きを読む
The Croatia traditional wound care market is forecasted to experience incremental growth, 周りのCAGRで 2.4% 全体を通して 2024-2029 期間, 安定した市場環境を示します. Croatia’s traditional wound care market is driven by a strong focus on public healthcare and rising awareness of first-aid practices. The prevalence of minor injuries and chronic condit… 続きを読む
漸進的な拡張を受けると予測されています, the Czech Republic traditional wound care market is expected to achieve a CAGR of approximately 2.5% から 2024 に 2029, 一貫した市場のダイナミクスを反映しています. チェコ共和国では, the traditional wound care market benefits from a well-established healthcare system and an aging population. The preference for cost-effective and accessible wound… 続きを読む
The Denmark traditional wound care market is anticipated to grow slowly, 年間複利成長率 (CAGR) で推定されています 3.8% ~から続く予測期間中 2024 に 2029. デンマークで, the demand for traditional wound care products is influenced by the aging population, which has an increasing need for effective wound manage… 続きを読む
The Dominican Republic traditional wound care market is on track for meaningful growth, 年間複利成長率を記録すると予測されている (CAGR) おおよその 4.7% からの予測期間にわたって 2024 に 2029. ドミニカ共和国では, the traditional wound care market is propelled by a rising awareness of basic healthcare practices and first-aid soluti… 続きを読む
漸進的な拡張を受けると予測されています, the Ecuador traditional wound care market is expected to achieve a CAGR of approximately 3.3% から 2024 に 2029, 一貫した市場のダイナミクスを反映しています. Ecuador’s traditional wound care market is driven by its aging population and the high prevalence of chronic diseases requiring wound management. The frequent occurrence of accidents in… 続きを読む
加速された拡張のために予測されます, the Egypt traditional wound care market is likely to register a CAGR of approximately 10.6% その間 2024-2029 期間, イノベーションと消費者の好みに支えられています. Egypt’s traditional wound care market thrives on its large population base and increasing prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes. Economic disparities make cost-effective wound care soluti… 続きを読む
The Estonia traditional wound care market is anticipated to grow slowly, 年間複利成長率 (CAGR) で推定されています 3.2% ~から続く予測期間中 2024 に 2029. Estonia’s traditional wound care market is underpinned by a focus on improving healthcare accessibility and rising awareness of first-aid practices. The aging population and… 続きを読む
大幅な成長が期待される, the Ethiopia traditional wound care market is on track for a CAGR of around 13.5% 予測期間全体を通じて, その急成長する可能性を強調する. Ethiopia’s traditional wound care market is underpinned by its expanding healthcare infrastructure and public health programs targeting rural areas. The high incidence of injuries and chronic wounds… 続きを読む