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The Netherlands chocolate confectionery market is poised for slight advancement, dengan ekspektasi kenaikan dari USD 1,344.2 juta masuk 2023 ke USD 1,522.7 juta oleh 2029, menangkap CAGR sebesar 2.1% selama periode perkiraan. In the Netherlands, the chocolate confectionery market is growing as consumer interest shifts toward high-quality, ethically produced chocolates. There is a rising demand for dark chocolates with higher cocoa content and products with organic certifications. Selain itu, the tradition of gifting chocolates during holidays such as Christmas and Easter continues to drive seasonal sales, providing a significant boost to the market during these key periods.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the Netherlands chocolate confectionery market, menyajikan data penting tentang ukuran pasar historis, pola pertumbuhan, dan proyeksi masa depan. Ini memberikan rincian menyeluruh tentang segmen pasar dan sub-segmen, dengan fokus pada variabel kunci seperti jenis produk, jenis dan saluran distribusi. This comprehensive evaluation aids in identifying the growth potential within the chocolate confectionery industry.
The Netherlands chocolate confectionery market is classified into the following segments:
Jenis produk: boxed chocolates, countlines, pouches and bags, tablets, chocolate with toys, seasonal chocolates, yang lain
Jenis: biasa, bebas gula
Saluran distribusi: toko serba ada, toko halaman depan, supermarket dan hypermarket, pemberi diskon, toko makanan dan minuman, toko kelontong, penjual otomatis, perdagangan elektronik, yang lain
The chocolate confectionery market in Netherlands is segmented across product type, jenis dan saluran distribusi. The categorization of the market by product type includes boxed chocolates, countlines, pouches and bags, tablets, chocolate with toys, seasonal chocolates, dan lainnya. Type categories include regular, dan bebas gula. Segmentasi saluran distribusi terdiri dari toko serba ada, toko halaman depan, supermarket dan hypermarket, pemberi diskon, toko makanan dan minuman, toko kelontong, penjual otomatis, perdagangan elektronik, dan lainnya.
Key players dominating the chocolate confectionery market include Vinkers B.V., Tony’s Factory B.V., Steenland’s Chocoladefabriek, Schoko Klett AG, Ravelli Chocolatier, Pladis Foods Limited, Pieterman Chocoladewerken B.V., Nestle S.A., Mondelez Internasional Inc., Mars Digabungkan, Lotus Bakeries N.V., Leonidas S.A., Johnny Doodle B.V., Hosta – Werk fur Schokolade-Spezialitaten GmbH & Bersama. kg, HEMA B.V., Hands Off B.V., Ferrero Internasional S.A., De Bron B.V., Chocolate Experience BV, Pabrik coklat Lindt & Sprungli AG, Biscuit Holding S.A.S., Baronie-de Heer B.V., August Storck KG and Alfred Ritter GmbH & Bersama. kg.
This analysis offers a comprehensive overview of the main players in the chocolate confectionery market, mengevaluasi tren kinerja mereka dari 2019 ke 2023. Temuan-temuan utama menggambarkan pergeseran pangsa pasar, mengidentifikasi perusahaan dominan dan pesaing yang sedang naik daun.
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Gain in-depth analysis and forecasts for the key segments of the Netherlands chocolate confectionery market: jenis produk, jenis dan saluran distribusi.
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Tinjauan Pasar
Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market – Analisis Jenis Produk
Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market – Jenis Analisis
Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market – Analisis Saluran Distribusi
Pemain Kunci dan Pangsa Pasar
– Vinkers B.V.
– Tony’s Factory B.V.
– Steenland’s Chocoladefabriek
– Schoko Klett AG
– Ravelli Chocolatier
– Pladis Foods Limited
– Pieterman Chocoladewerken B.V.
– Nestle S.A.
– Mondelez Internasional Inc.
Data dan Prakiraan Makroekonomi
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market, Pertumbuhan Bersih, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market, Tingkat Pertumbuhan, 2019-2029
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Product Type, Sejarah dan Prakiraan CAGR, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Product Type, 2019-2029
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Type, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Type, Sejarah dan Prakiraan CAGR, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Type, 2019-2029
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Distribution Channel, Sejarah dan Prakiraan CAGR, 2019-2029
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market by Distribution Channel, 2019-2029
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market Share (%), oleh Perusahaan, 2019-2023
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market, oleh Perusahaan, 2023
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market Share (%), oleh Merek, 2019-2023
Chart Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market, oleh Merek, 2023
Tabel Belanda – Populasi (Jutaan) dan Prakiraan
Tabel Belanda – Indeks Harga Konsumen (IHK) dan Prakiraan
Tabel Belanda – Produk Domestik Bruto dan Prakiraan
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market: Belanja sebagai Proporsi PDB (%)
Table Netherlands Chocolate Confectionery Market: Konsumsi per Kapita (Populasi)
Vinkers B.V.
Tony’s Factory B.V.
Steenland’s Chocoladefabriek
Schoko Klett AG
Ravelli Chocolatier
Pladis Foods Limited
Pieterman Chocoladewerken B.V.
Nestle S.A.
Mondelez Internasional Inc.
Mars, Tergabung
Lotus Bakeries N.V.
Leonidas S.A.
Johnny Doodle B.V.
Hosta – Werk fur Schokolade-Spezialitaten GmbH & Bersama. kg
Hands Off B.V.
Ferrero Internasional S.A.
De Bron B.V.
Chocolate Experience BV
Pabrik coklat Lindt & Sprungli AG
Biscuit Holding S.A.S.
Baronie-de Heer B.V.
Agustus Storck KG
Alfred Ritter GmbH & Bersama. kg
Jenis Produk | Statistik Industri |
Wilayah | Eropa |
Tanggal Diterbitkan | 2024 |
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