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Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Latin America RTD coffee market, dengan proyeksi kenaikan sebesar USD 218.3 juta dan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) dekat dengan 8.6% melalui 2029. The RTD coffee market in Latin America is growing steadily, with increasing consumer demand for convenience and quality coffee products. Brazil, being… Baca selengkapnya
Diperkirakan akan melihat pertumbuhan moderat, the Latvia RTD coffee market is projected to achieve a CAGR of around 8% sepanjang 2024 ke 2029 jangka waktu. Latvia’s RTD coffee market is expanding as consumers increasingly seek convenience without sacrificing quality. The urban population, particularly younger generations, is embracing western-style coffee drinks, including iced coffee and canned… Baca selengkapnya
Pasar Kopi Lebanon Rtd diperkirakan akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang cepat, dengan CAGR yang diharapkan hampir 21.6% dari 2024 ke 2029, mencerminkan lonjakan peluang pasar. Pasar Kopi RTD Lebanon mendapatkan momentum karena permintaan untuk kenyamanan dan pengalaman kopi premium meningkat. Konsumen yang lebih muda, terutama di daerah perkotaan, semakin mencari-… Baca selengkapnya
The Lithuania RTD coffee market is set to experience a healthy expansion, dengan ekspektasi CAGR sekitar 6.2% dari 2024 ke 2029, mencerminkan lanskap pasar yang menguntungkan. Lithuania’s RTD coffee market is growing steadily, driven by a growing coffee culture and urbanization. Younger, busy consumers are fueling demand for on-the-go, high-quality coffee drinks… Baca selengkapnya
The Malaysia RTD coffee market is expected to realize a modest increase of USD 23.9 juta, menunjukkan CAGR sekitar 4.1% selama periode perkiraan dari 2024 ke 2029. Malaysia’s RTD coffee market is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for convenience and premium-quality beverages. The country’s strong coffee culture, especially in urban… Baca selengkapnya
Dengan mempercepat dinamika pertumbuhan, the Middle East and Africa RTD coffee sector is anticipated to expand by USD 320.6 juta, memamerkan CAGR yang kuat 10.2% selama periode dari 2024 ke 2029. The RTD (Ready-to-Drink) coffee market in the Middle East and Africa is being driven by a surge in urbanization and a growin… Baca selengkapnya
Pasar Kopi Maroko RTD berada di jalur untuk pertumbuhan yang berarti, diproyeksikan akan mencatat tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) kira-kira 9.4% selama periode perkiraan dari 2024 ke 2029. Di Maroko, Pasar Kopi RTD berkembang sebagai urbanisasi dan pengaruh tren kopi global membentuk kembali preferensi konsumen. Ada permintaan yang semakin besar… Baca selengkapnya
Diperkirakan akan melihat pertumbuhan moderat, the Myanmar RTD coffee market is projected to achieve a CAGR of around 8.4% sepanjang 2024 ke 2029 jangka waktu. Di Myanmar, the RTD coffee market is expanding as coffee culture gains traction and urban lifestyles drive the demand for on-the-go beverages. Young, working professionals are increasingly opting for conven… Baca selengkapnya
Projections for the Netherlands RTD coffee market suggest a promising growth trajectory, dengan perkiraan kenaikan USD 131.2 juta dan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) mendekati 8% selama lima tahun ke depan. The Netherlands’ RTD coffee market is on the rise, driven by the growing adoption of global coffee trends, particularly among younge… Baca selengkapnya
Poised for dynamic growth, the New Zealand RTD coffee market is expected to achieve a CAGR of around 15.4% atas 2024-2029 jangka waktu, driven by increasing consumer demand. New Zealand’s RTD coffee market is buoyed by the country’s well-established coffee culture, with consumers increasingly seeking convenient and high-quality coffee solutions. The growing demand for premiu… Baca selengkapnya
The North America RTD coffee market is anticipated to witness significant growth, dengan perkiraan kenaikan sebesar USD 4.8 miliar, setara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) tentang 6% di tahun-tahun mendatang. In North America, the RTD coffee market continues to expand rapidly, with both premium and value options catering to a… Baca selengkapnya
Diperkirakan akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang lambat, the North Macedonia RTD coffee market is on track to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) kira-kira 3.6% selama periode perkiraan dari 2024 ke 2029. Di Makedonia Utara, the RTD coffee market is emerging, driven by a younger, more urban population looking for convenient, high-quality coffee bevera… Baca selengkapnya
The Norway RTD coffee market is expected to experience robust growth, dengan proyeksi kenaikan sebesar USD 104.1 juta dan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) sekitar 7.9% sepanjang periode perkiraan. Norway’s RTD coffee market is expanding, as coffee consumption remains high and younger consumers demand more convenient, ready-to-drink options. The popularity of… Baca selengkapnya
Diantisipasi untuk mengalami ekspansi yang kuat, the Pakistan RTD coffee market is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) tentang 13.2% sepanjang periode perkiraan. Pakistan’s RTD coffee market is emerging as urbanization and modern coffee culture continue to evolve. Young, urban professionals are leading the demand for convenient, premi, and ready-… Baca selengkapnya
The Paraguay RTD coffee market is positioned for substantial growth, projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) sekitar 13.5% selama periode perkiraan dari 2024 ke 2029. Di Paraguay, the RTD coffee market is seeing notable growth as urbanization and changing lifestyles fuel demand for more convenient beverage options. Younger consum… Baca selengkapnya
The market for RTD coffee is set for moderate growth, dengan proyeksi menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar USD 78.0 juta dan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan gabungan (CAGR) mendekati 8.8% selama periode perkiraan. Filipina’ RTD coffee market is growing rapidly, driven by the increasing demand for convenience and premium coffee products. The country’s strong coffee… Baca selengkapnya