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The Argentina gardening equipment market is poised for rapid expansion, con un aumento proyectado de USD 420.4 millón, reflejando una sólida tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) de 41% durante el período de pronóstico de 2024 a 2029. en argentina, the gardening equipment market is benefiting from a growing consumer interest in urban gardening and sustainable practi… Leer más
The Asia Pacific gardening equipment market is expected to realize a modest increase of USD 0.5 mil millones, demostrando una CAGR de aproximadamente 2.4% durante el período de pronóstico de 2024 a 2029. The Asia Pacific region’s gardening equipment market is driven by rapid urbanization, which is increasing the demand for home gardening in cities. In densel… Leer más
The Australia gardening equipment market is poised for slight advancement, con expectativas de subir del USD 1,398.8 millones en 2023 a USD 1,458.6 millones por 2029, capturando una CAGR de 0.7% durante el período de pronóstico. en australia, the gardening equipment market is driven by the increasing popularity of outdoor living and the strong culture of… Leer más
Se espera un crecimiento sustancial, the Brazil gardening equipment market is anticipated to move from USD 1,377.4 millones en 2023 a USD 2,413.6 millones por 2029, correspondiente a una CAGR de 9.8%. en brasil, the gardening equipment market is being driven by both an increased interest in home gardening and landscaping, particularmente en áreas urbanas,… Leer más
The Canada gardening equipment market is likely to exhibit mild growth, con un aumento proyectado desde USD 2,065.5 millones en 2023 a USD 2,245.2 millones por 2029, correspondiente a una CAGR de 1.4% durante el 2024 a 2029 periodo de tiempo. En Canadá, the gardening equipment market is experiencing growth as consumers embrace outdoor living and seek… Leer más
Insights reveal that the China gardening equipment market is set for a healthy expansion, con un crecimiento previsto de USD 31.6 millón, correspondiente a una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) de casi 5.6% de 2024 a 2029. en china, the gardening equipment market is growing as more urban dwellers embrace gardening as a hobby. Con… Leer más
Projected growth in the Europe gardening equipment market includes an incremental increase of USD 1.8 mil millones, con una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) de casi 1.8% a través de 2029. En Europa, the gardening equipment market is buoyed by a combination of increased consumer interest in sustainable living and the rising popularity of gardening as a hobby…. Leer más
Crecimiento incremental del USD 0.1 billion is anticipated in the France gardening equipment market, que se expandirá a una CAGR de aproximadamente 0.7% durante el período de pronóstico que abarca 2024 a 2029. en francia, the gardening equipment market is thriving as French consumers continue to embrace gardening as both a leisure activity and a means of… Leer más
El período de pronóstico de 2024 a 2029 suggests that the Germany gardening equipment market will see a slight growth trajectory, con un aumento previsto de USD 0.3 mil millones y una CAGR de alrededor 1.4%. In Germany, the gardening equipment market is being driven by the country’s long-standing tradition of gardening and an increasing interest in… Leer más
The global gardening equipment market is poised for gradual expansion, Se prevé que crecerá en dólares. 8.8 mil millones con una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) de alrededor 2.7% durante todo el 2024 a 2029 período de pronóstico. Globalmente, the gardening equipment market is being driven by the increasing trend toward sustainable living and the desire for home garden… Leer más
Se espera que experimente un crecimiento lento, the Hong Kong gardening equipment market is on track to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) de aproximadamente 0.4% durante el período de pronóstico de 2024 a 2029. En Hong Kong, the gardening equipment market is influenced by the increasing popularity of urban gardening, with consumers seeking products that allow… Leer más
Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the India gardening equipment market, con un aumento proyectado de USD 19.9 millones y una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) cerca de 8.2% a través de 2029. en la india, the gardening equipment market is being driven by the growing interest in organic farming and urban gardening. As more urban consum… Leer más
Proyectado para presenciar una expansión constante, the Indonesia gardening equipment market is expected to achieve a CAGR of around 5.4% de 2024 a 2029, reflejando condiciones positivas del mercado. In Indonesia, the gardening equipment market is growing as a result of urbanization and the increasing popularity of home gardening. As cities expand, more consumers are looking to… Leer más
The Italy gardening equipment market is poised for slight advancement, con expectativas de subir del USD 1,381.9 millones en 2023 a USD 1,475.7 millones por 2029, capturando una CAGR de 1.1% durante el período de pronóstico. en italia, the gardening equipment market is growing as Italian consumers embrace gardening as both a hobby and a way… Leer más
The Japan gardening equipment market is poised for slight advancement, con expectativas de subir del USD 1,240.3 millones en 2023 a USD 1,262.8 millones por 2029, capturando una CAGR de 0.3% durante el período de pronóstico. en japon, the gardening equipment market is driven by the country’s long-standing tradition of gardening, with an increasing number of… Leer más
The Latin America gardening equipment market is poised for moderate growth, Se prevé que aumente desde USD 1,919.0 millones en 2023 a USD 3,041.1 millones por 2029, logrando una CAGR de 8% durante el período de pronóstico. En América Latina, the gardening equipment market is growing as urbanization drives the demand for home gardening and landscaping produc… Leer más