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Nach neuesten Schätzungen, the milk market in Cambodia is set to achieve an incremental growth of USD 136.1 Million, Beschleunigung mit einer CAGR von fast 6.8% im Prognosezeitraum 2024-2029. The Cambodia milk market is driven by increasing urbanization and a shift towards modern retail formats, which are making dairy products more Mehr lesen
Voraussichtlich eine stetige Expansion, the Cambodia plant-based dairy market is expected to achieve a CAGR of around 9.4% aus 2024 Zu 2029, reflecting positive market conditions. In Cambodia, rising health consciousness and concerns about lactose intolerance are fueling the demand for plant-based dairy products. The expanding urban middle class, influenced by Western trends, is… Mehr lesen
Forecasts highlight a favorable growth outlook for the Cameroon ice cream market, mit einem prognostizierten Anstieg von USD 38.3 Millionen und eine durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate (CAGR) in der Nähe 6.9% durch 2029. Cameroon’s ice cream market is driven by a combination of economic growth and a warm climate that supports high year-round consumption. Traditional flavor… Mehr lesen
The milk in Cameroon market is expected to increase by USD 65.1 Million, mit einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 7.4% aus 2024 Zu 2029, according to the latest edition of the Milk Market in Cameroon Report. The Cameroon milk market is driven by rising urbanization and growing consumer demand for processed dairy products, Mehr lesen
Es wird mit einem langsamen Wachstum gerechnet, the Cameroon plant-based dairy market is on track to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) von ungefähr 2.3% im Prognosezeitraum von 2024 Zu 2029. In Kamerun, the plant-based dairy market is expanding as urbanization fuels greater awareness of health and wellness, with more consumers seeking lactose-free option… Mehr lesen
The outlook for the Canada ice cream market indicates a modest growth of USD 0.8 Milliarde, mit einer erwarteten durchschnittlichen jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von ca 4% in den nächsten fünf Jahren. In Kanada, the ice cream market is influenced by a diverse consumer base that values both traditional and innovative flavors. Growing health awaren… Mehr lesen
The milk market in Canada is likely to register a CAGR of over 0.7% mit einem inkrementellen Wachstum von USD 0.1 Milliarden im Prognosezeitraum 2024-2029. The Canada milk market is driven by a growing demand for high-quality and sustainably produced dairy products, fueled by an increasing consumer focus on health and environmental concerns. Mehr lesen
The Canada plant-based dairy market is projected to expand significantly, steigend von USD 941.6 Millionen in 2023 in USD 1,686.4 Millionen von 2029, Dies spiegelt eine robuste durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate wider (CAGR) von 10.2% im Prognosezeitraum. Canada’s plant-based dairy market is flourishing as health-conscious consumers seek alternatives due to concerns about lactose intolerance and… Mehr lesen
The vegan ice cream in Canada market size is projected to grow by USD 17.9 Millionen aus 2024 Zu 2029, Registrierung einer CAGR von 5.5 Prozent, nach neuesten Marktdaten. The rise in popularity of vegan ice cream can be attributed to increased consumer awareness around veganism, health benefits, and sustainability. Leading brands Mehr lesen
The Chile ice cream market is projected to show slight growth, wird voraussichtlich gegenüber dem USD steigen 1,969.7 Millionen in 2023 in USD 2,550.4 Millionen von 2029, Dies spiegelt eine durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate wider (CAGR) von 4.4% im Zeitraum von 2024 Zu 2029. Chile’s ice cream market is benefiting from economic stability, which boosts consumer spendi… Mehr lesen
Laut aktueller Analyse, the milk in Chile market was USD 1,203 Millionen in 2023 und wird voraussichtlich USD erreichen 1,496 Millionen in 2029 und registrieren Sie eine CAGR von 3.7% im Prognosezeitraum, 2024-2029. The Chile milk market is driven by rising consumer demand for nutritious and premium dairy products, as health consciousness Mehr lesen
The market for plant-based dairy is set for moderate growth, mit Prognosen, die auf einen Anstieg des USD hinweisen 40.3 Millionen und eine durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate (CAGR) nähert sich 8% über den Prognosezeitraum. Chile’s plant-based dairy market is expanding as consumers prioritize health and wellness, with a notable increase in lactose intolerance awareness. The influence of… Mehr lesen
The China ice cream market is expected to realize a modest increase of USD 2.3 Milliarde, zeigt eine CAGR von ca 3.3% im Prognosezeitraum von 2024 Zu 2029. China’s ice cream market is expanding rapidly, driven by a large and increasingly affluent middle class with a taste for indulgent snacks. Es gibt eine… Mehr lesen
Nach neuesten Daten, the market size of the milk industry in China is expected to rise by USD 4.6 Milliarden mit einer CAGR von 1.6% bis zum Ende 2029. The China milk market is driven by increasing health consciousness and the growing demand for premium dairy products among middle-class consumers. As awareness Mehr lesen
Der Prognosezeitraum von 2024 Zu 2029 suggests that the China plant-based dairy market will see a slight growth trajectory, mit einem erwarteten Anstieg des USD 0.5 Milliarden und eine CAGR von rund 1.1%. China’s plant-based dairy market is growing rapidly due to increasing concerns about health and food safety. A rising incidence of lactos… Mehr lesen
Es wird mit einem stetigen Wachstum gerechnet, Es wird erwartet, dass der kolumbianische Eiscrememarkt gegenüber USD steigen wird 1,534.4 Millionen in 2023 in USD 2,559.2 Millionen von 2029, mit einer CAGR von 8.9% im gesamten Prognosezeitraum. Colombia’s ice cream market is expanding as disposable incomes rise, insbesondere in urbanen Zentren. There is a strong demand for tradit… Mehr lesen